Mercurial Knits on Patreon!

Today is my 33rd birthday, so I thought I’d take a leap and launch my Patreon. 🙂 Why sign up? Well, you’ll receive sneak peeks of my patterns in progress, get access to my patterns six months before the public do, and even offer suggestions of what types of items I should knit and games I should take inspiration from – and you’d be helping me make a living doing what I love.

I have three tiers available:

  • £3 a month, which gives you access to the sneak peeks
  • £6 a month, which also lets you get patterns six months before the general public does (these will be paid patterns, but you’ll receive them for free!)
  • £12 a month, which also lets you suggest colours, type of garment / accessory and games to take inspiration from

Any amount is appreciated, of course, and even just spreading the word to your knitting friends would be a great help to me. I’ve found I really love getting to make patterns for others to enjoy, and getting money on Patreon to do just that will help me so much. My main goal right now is to reach £150 a month, at which point I will stream my knitting progress live on once a month, and also play a suggested-by-patrons game once a month.

Thank you all!