Changes to Patreon billing & life update

Hello, everyone! 2020 was a hell of a year, and 2021 is looking like it might be more of the same. I got through my first semester of university (well… eighth semester if you count my first degree from just over 12 years ago, but it’s my first semester of THIS university) and discovered, yes, I absolutely love studying Korean and Japanese. However, school really takes a lot of my energy, so I changed my Patreon from a monthly bill to just one tier which is per-creation. This means that you only get charged when I release a full pattern, but can still see my behind-the-scenes work if you pledge. Anyway, it’s still completely optional, of course, and the patterns I release through Patreon will eventually be available on the site for my normal fingerless gloves pattern pricing.

Another major change in my life the past year is that I have finally recognised, as a white and cis-passing person, that I am not only able to, but have a duty to use my privilege in life to stand up and speak out for marginalised people. I already had quite a few LGBTQ+ community friends and accounts I followed, but now I have been following more Black, Asian, and other POC designers on my Instagram page. It was easy to sympathise with queer people, many of whom look like me already, but I was unintentionally ignoring designers of colour almost completely. Of course, following, listening, learning, and appreciating are all good things to do, but I don’t think that’s enough on its own. Yu Ra from Knitboop Designs mentioned on her Instagram story how she chooses not to work with designers, dyers, etc. who don’t have an anti-racist or inclusivity statement on their social media or company webpage. Now, I understand that this message was more directed at large companies, but I felt moved to make my own statement and link to it permanently in my site’s top menu. If you’re interested, you can read what I wrote here; please do follow the links to amazing BIPOC makers that I’ve added. I have tried my whole life to not be racist despite the overwhelmingly white community I was raised in, but I now understand that it takes more to be truly, actively ANTI-racist – and I want to continue to do what I can to help dismantle white supremacy.

Lots of love and care.

Two new fingerless mitts patterns available through Patreon!

Hello and happy September!

I’m pleased to say that my Patreon page is growing and I’ve uploaded two fingerless mitt patterns which are only available through there: Ribbed Leaf Mitts and Swift & Simple Lace Mitts. They’re both quick to knit and easily amendable to a range of sizes.

I’d also like to say that, thanks to a kind knitter alerting me to the problem, the pattern shop is now operating as intended. Before, it asked you to accept the terms & conditions for shopping, but there was no checkbox to click – this was a bug and has now been fixed, so you can get all the patterns available in my shop with no issue.

Thank you for your continued support! <3

Our own pattern shop!

Since Ravelry has recently doubled down on their stance against accessibility, I no longer feel comfortable sending people there to purchase / download my patterns. Thus, I’ve added a pattern store to my site where you can download them from me. It works via PayHip.

You can access my dear friend and sibling-in-wool Silver’s patterns on their Ko-fi page.

You can still support me on Patreon for early access to my new patterns and other goodies. Alternatively, you can send me some support via my Ko-fi if you don’t want to worry about recurring payments. Thank you!

Mercurial Knits on Patreon!

Today is my 33rd birthday, so I thought I’d take a leap and launch my Patreon. 🙂 Why sign up? Well, you’ll receive sneak peeks of my patterns in progress, get access to my patterns six months before the public do, and even offer suggestions of what types of items I should knit and games I should take inspiration from – and you’d be helping me make a living doing what I love.

I have three tiers available:

  • £3 a month, which gives you access to the sneak peeks
  • £6 a month, which also lets you get patterns six months before the general public does (these will be paid patterns, but you’ll receive them for free!)
  • £12 a month, which also lets you suggest colours, type of garment / accessory and games to take inspiration from

Any amount is appreciated, of course, and even just spreading the word to your knitting friends would be a great help to me. I’ve found I really love getting to make patterns for others to enjoy, and getting money on Patreon to do just that will help me so much. My main goal right now is to reach £150 a month, at which point I will stream my knitting progress live on once a month, and also play a suggested-by-patrons game once a month.

Thank you all!