Not as planned

So, I did indeed travel to the UK, and stayed with my fiancé for a good long while. In fact, I stayed a whole week longer than I had planned, due to some travel mishaps. At any rate, I am now back in the states, and very, very far behind in my queue.

Moving, especially to a different country, is not exactly easy. In the process of bringing over my possessions, I had to leave some important things back here. That included all of my acrylic yarn, and my fiberfill stuffing, both of which are vitally important to my work. Long story short: I didn’t get any work done while in England, and despite being back a week, I still have not done any. All I can do is apologise and promise to work harder, but that won’t make my commissions be done when I had promised them. I am very, very sorry. If anyone was expecting a commission to be finished by this point and won’t have it in time, I am more than willing to refund their down payment and cancel their order.

I have to reorganise my queue once again, as well, as the European orders I had placed on higher priority are just going back to their original positions. In addition, I still have quite a lot of wedding planning to do, considering it’s only three months away and I haven’t even finalised the guest list. It’s going to take me a while to sort out my orders and my site (and my life, for that matter), but hopefully I will be back up to speed soon. Thanks, everyone, for understanding and being patient.

Still trying

My last post still stands; however, before I go to England, I’m going to try to whip out some of the fast projects in my queue. I wonder how many I can finish before I leave on Saturday?

The first down is a Kirby plushie for Andreas Karlsson.


Each time I make a Kirby, I have a harder and harder time sending them away! One of these days, I’ll have to make one for myself. (His Ravelry project page is here.)


This Saturday, I’m leaving for a month. Where am I going? England! 🙂 I will be living with my fiancĂ© and trying to get as many things sorted out as possible. We’re getting married this autumn, so the more I accomplish now, the easier things will be for the both of us when it’s time for me to actually move.

What does this mean with regards to commissions? I’m still accepting them, and updating my queue. The thing is, there may be more of a delay than I had at first told you because of my travelling. I am going to focus on the European commissions while I am in England, because it will be faster for European customers to receive them from there. My queue page will be rearranged to reflect this. No one has been forgotten or ignored. If I finish all of the European commissions during my month stay, I will work on the North American ones again; I won’t stall on your projects just because I’m in the UK.

Thank you all for supporting me by ordering items, spreading the word about my site, or even just reading my blog. It means so much to me to help support myself by doing something I truly love, and something that I hope makes others happy.

Playing catch-up

Making so many plushies in such a short timespan has left me a bit drained! I’ve been trying to relax by learning about Tunisian crochet. I’m making a bunch of squares showcasing the different stitches, and I’m planning to knit them together to make a blanket for my couch. I’d love to order the interchangeable crochet hook kit from Denise Interchangeable Needles but I can’t really spend superfluous money right now. Oh well, maybe my parents will get it for me as a birthday present eventually? 🙂

I haven’t forgotten my commission work. On Monday I finished up all the knitting for the Prince of All Cosmos plushie I’ve been working on for two weeks. All he needs now is a face! I need to get to the craft store and buy myself some felt so I can ship this guy out. He’s a whopping 22 inches tall, from the top of his antenna to the bottom of his feet.

Prince of All Cosmos, minus his face

I will post another picture when he finally gets his face. Then, he’ll look perfect. (Or so I hope!)