Closing down

As you might have guessed from the title and overall tone of my last few posts, I will be closing Mercurial Knits. I may change this site into a personal knitting blog, but for now, I have no plans for it.

I will be refunding everyone who has sent me a down payment for a commission within a month, most likely in early January. I’m sorry it took me this long to decide what to do, and I know it is likely frustrating to those of you who paid for items years ago and won’t receive these. Again, I apologise.

When I started this business, I never imagined the number of commissions I would receive. It was flattering and fun to work on them. As I got married, moved to another country, then fell ill and even suffered unexpected family tragedy, my work felt increasingly like a burden. I underestimated what the stress of all these events (both good and bad) would do to me. To make things worse, a huge amount of my yarn became infested with bugs over the summer, so I had to throw those skeins away. I haven’t replenished my supply.

The refund emails will all be clearly labelled “Mercurial Knits refund” and will all come through PayPal. Thank you to everyone who has ever enjoyed my work and/or supported me on this long journey.

Every time I update it’s bad news

…and this may seem like more of the same, I know. At least I have a small amount of work to show for it?

Despite having yet more hospital trips this year, my doctors claim they have sorted out my problems and so far (knock wood), I’ve been feeling a bit better. Hopefully this will improve and I’ll finally have a healthy year next year.

Two projects I completed a while ago, but only now have gotten to post about (and will mail out shortly): another Metroid plushie and a Lavos plushie!

A commissioned Metroid plushie

A commissioned Metroid plushie

Lavos Plushie

Lavos, the Destroyer of Worlds from Chrono Trigger!

Hopefully I’ll have more and better things to write about soon. I’d truly prefer to have happy posts filling up these pages again.

What’s going on?

Hello there. Sorry for my continued absence; I have had many tests for my health problems and also had a family tragedy come my way: my cousin was missing for two months, only to be discovered dead… things have been hard, to say the least. This cousin was one of my first and most ardent supporters, and losing her enthusiasm and love has taken quite the toll. I will miss her forever. I don’t mean to dwell endlessly on my personal problems, though.

I have been getting back into knitting now and hope to move through my queue. I don’t mean for my words to keep proving empty; I have not taken on new commissions in quite a long time because of these problems, and I still will not take new commissions until I manage to empty my queue.

Thank you all for understanding. It is wonderful to have support even as I’ve been lacking in completing my work.

And in unsurprising news…

I went to the hospital yet again last month. Things don’t seem to be improving and I’m still waiting on useful tests to be scheduled.

The slow pace of my knitting is making me unhappy. I want to finish these projects and send them out. It’s just, well, hard to knit when you feel ill constantly.

All I can do is apologize and continue working. Eventually I’ll get through this, I’m sure. There’s another SDA marathon looming as well and it’s silly that I haven’t finished commissions I received not long after the first Awesome Games Done Quick. One day I’d like to be able to stand on my own two feet and take new commissions that I don’t overwhelm myself with.

Jinxing myself

After that last update… I ended up spending yet another week in hospital, and the doctors still don’t know what’s wrong with me (although apparently it’s “nothing serious”, whatever that’s supposed to mean).

I’m trying to get back to my queue again.

My husband and I were able to move back into our flat, thankfully, but now there’s a lot of cleaning to do. We couldn’t live here for two and a half months.

I’m mostly just hoping things will finally look up for the two of us. I’m definitely going to finish all the commissions that were already requested; however, I feel pretty doubtful about taking more any time in the future. We’ll see when that time comes, though.