Tough times

Life really isn’t being kind to me.

I am working on my queue, have been for a while now, but certain things keep going wrong. For a start, the ventilation in our flat was deemed “unsafe” so Paul and I have had to temporarily move in with his parents while our landlord takes his time fixing our gas (so we can once again have heat and hot water). I get along really well with my in-laws, so things aren’t as problematic as they could be on that front, thankfully.

On top of that, I’ve had to go to the hospital twice in two weeks. We thought the first time that I had some isolated stomach bug; however, the second visit has revealed that I am suffering with either gastritis or gallstones, and until I get tests done (an ultrasound and an OGD), we won’t know which it is. I am waiting for appointment letters to come in the mail so I know when those tests will be. In the meantime, I’m on a strict low fat diet and taking medicine the doctor prescribed.

At any rate I’m glad that I’m starting to feel back up to speed and I can’t wait to get back to work. It feels really wrong not to knit for over a week. I am also planning out some prizes for SDA’s next marathon, Summer Games Done Quick 2012, but those are taking a backseat to my commission queue.

Long time no update

A lot has happened in the past seven months! I got married, moved across the Atlantic Ocean, attended (and made prizes for) another SDA marathon, and even bought a budgie. Now that things have finally settled, and I have all my yarn once again in my possession, I’m ready to dust off my website and really get to work on my queue.

I am not currently taking commissions, because I am catching up with the ridiculously late projects I have to finish.

Thanks again to all those who have supported me throughout my long absence from work–with luck and some determination on my part, I will never have to make anyone wait so long again.

Post-marathon roundup

Thanks everyone for helping to make Summer Games Done Quick such a success! We raised over $21,000 for the Organization for Autism Research in a little over 60 hours.

I made lots of prizes for this marathon, and didn’t get a chance to spotlight them on this blog individually; however, you can view them all on Ravelry by clicking the links on the Finished Video Game Items Master List. I’m so glad to have helped support an amazing charity!

Commissions open again

As of August 1, 2011, I am now re-opened for commissions. I still have quite a large queue, but now that I have finished my marathon work for SDA’s Summer Games Done Quick (which benefits the Organization for Autism Research), I will plow through them the way I should! Please be aware that it may take me anywhere from three to four months to start working on any new commissions. I will be working hard to update this blog regularly once again and making my progress known.

Thank you for being so patient and understanding. On with the knitting!

Commission hiatus

As of July 2, 2011, I am currently closed for commissions. I need this time to make the orders I already have in my queue, as well as work on prizes for the next Speed Demos Archive marathon, Summer Games Done Quick, August 4-6. As such, I feel it would be irresponsible to commit to any other projects during this time, when I am unable to provide an accurate “finished” estimate.

I will make another blog post announcing when I am again ready to take on new commissions.

I am working my hardest to get through my queue and get everything out to my customers. I appreciate everyone’s patience, and thank you all for supporting me. <3