Adventures in Flammie-making

I have never played a Seiken Densetsu / Mana game, and I was completely unfamiliar with the creature known as Flammie.



As I have since discovered, the party in the RPG Secret of Mana (also known as Seiken Densetsu II) flies on the back of this miniature dragon! I think he’s very cute, but then again, I’m biased. 😉 I won’t lie; he was quite a challenge to make. I’ve never made anything quite like a dragon before, and I had a few headaches working out how to do the wings, and all the little details he has. I just really hope the person who commissioned him is happy with him! (Ravelry project page here.)

Now, onto a Luma from Super Mario Galaxy. It’s almost already done, so hopefully I’ll have another post up soon!

Done with helmets!

Tonight, I finished up the Zero helmets: one, a prize for Awesome Games Done Quick; the other, a commission for fellow “SDArtist”, Aitamen. 😉

Zero helmet, finally finished!


I always like the way these turn helmets out, but I’m a bit sick of knitting them right now, haha. I need a break. (Project pages on Ravelry are here and here.) While I enjoy the pattern, after knitting nothing but it for weeks on end–these are the second and third times in just over a month I’ve made it: the Mega Man X hat is also the same–I got sick of it. Part of it is because each is knit flat and then seamed up the back, but I think the main problem is the detail which necessarily goes into them to make them actually look like the characters’ helmets. Never mind the fact that I had to wait to finish them until I could run out to the store to buy orange yarn…! It’s crazy; I have an incredible amount of yarn in my stash, but not even one skein that was true orange. I didn’t want to be inaccurate, so off to the store I went.

Now, I’m onto making two plushies: a green Luma from Super Mario Galaxy and a Flammie from Seiken Densetsu! I haven’t made either of these before, and the change will be much appreciated.

Being busy is good!

I can’t believe that I honestly have ten things (nine orders) lined up in my queue. I’m so excited! It feels good to honestly get my business off the ground, and to be certain I have made the right choice.

Right now I’m working on the second of two Zero helmets. These things are really time-consuming, but the results are worth it. They have a very helmet-y shape and I’m always happy with the way they look. Still, though, I can’t wait until I’ve moved on down through my queue a bit, heh. I get excited just thinking about taking more on.

Also, I’d like to thank Speed Demos Archive for mentioning me on their front page, in the most recent update (which has been the top post for a little over two weeks now!). It means a lot to me that they support me, because I love the community there. It’s great to play video games, but it’s even more fun to play them fast. 😉

Snow snow snow

Every week, another snow storm. I should be happy, because snow means cold weather, and cold weather is prime knitting time. However, I’ve never been a fan of winter–not even when I was in elementary school and we got snow days. (Okay, snow days were probably the only good part of winter.) Lately I’ve been trying my best to ignore the snow, even as it interferes with my ability to get to the post office, but it simply can’t be done.


I just have to hope that it all stops soon, and that it will actually be warm in March. That isn’t too much to hope for the month when spring comes, is it?

Sometime later tonight, I need to take pictures of my latest work and make an “examples” page on here. I’ve been knitting a little too much, by which I mean I’ve been ignoring my site. That’s not something I want to do.