Making so many plushies in such a short timespan has left me a bit drained! I’ve been trying to relax by learning about Tunisian crochet. I’m making a bunch of squares showcasing the different stitches, and I’m planning to knit them together to make a blanket for my couch. I’d love to order the interchangeable crochet hook kit from Denise Interchangeable Needles but I can’t really spend superfluous money right now. Oh well, maybe my parents will get it for me as a birthday present eventually? 🙂
I haven’t forgotten my commission work. On Monday I finished up all the knitting for the Prince of All Cosmos plushie I’ve been working on for two weeks. All he needs now is a face! I need to get to the craft store and buy myself some felt so I can ship this guy out. He’s a whopping 22 inches tall, from the top of his antenna to the bottom of his feet.

I will post another picture when he finally gets his face. Then, he’ll look perfect. (Or so I hope!)